My identity crisis is over, and I hope you’ll join me in celebrating with the release of my new book, “The Composition of Order.”

The background:

I think it’s safe to say that everyone loves romance.

I love hearing about how my friends met their husbands … and even about how strangers met their spouses.

But even more than that, I love the stories that unfold over time: stories of families growing, relationships evolving, people working through the joys and challenges life brings.

Over Labor Day weekend, I went on a camping trip with some of the first friends I made after having my first son, almost twelve years ago. We all brought our kids, and between making snacks, building fires, throwing on rain flies in the middle of a giant thunderstorm, we talked. We talked about our kids, our parents, school, cooking, reading, hormones, music … and we enjoyed the connections we’ve maintained over the past decade.

Now, to my identity crisis:

When I first decided to become an author, to really DO it, I thought I was writing romance. Who doesn’t love romance, right?

But as I wrote, I realized I wanted to convey more than romance–I wanted to convey the kinds of special connections I have with my friends and family, and the experiences we all have. These experiences remind us that no matter how different we all seem, we really have so very much in common, and, more importantly, we’re all in this together.

Whether we’re supervising 17 kids rafting down a creek near Sedona on a Labor Day camping trip, telling stories around a campfire, or helping each other pack tents and sleeping bags, we’re all doing this thing called life. It’s more than just romance: it’s friendship, connection, happiness, and grief. It’s food and music and laughter.

And that’s why I’ve spent the past year and a half in reinvention mode.

I rewrote all my existing books to ensure they deliver the sense of connection and real life I hope you’ll enjoy. I got new covers. And I wrote three new books.

The first, “The Composition of Order,” comes out this week. Go here to pre-order it, or to buy it if you’re reading this after it’s gone live.

I’m really excited to share it with you, and I hope you enjoy!