
Book Review: The Seven Day Switch, by Kelly Harms

This Freaky-Friday-esque book was a great read! Get it here. Here’s the synopsis from Amazon: Two moms as opposite as a Happy Meal and a quinoa bowl. What a difference a week makes in a heartfelt, laugh-out-loud novel by the Washington Post bestselling author...

Today, I Choose Hope

It’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in America. On this day, we honor the celebrated civil rights leader for his contributions and achievements. But it doesn’t mean anything if we don’t take time to truly reflect on his messages. I want to share with...

“Love Your Family” – and We’re ALL Family

One of my favorite quotes is from Mother Theresa: “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” I’ve always wanted to change the world. In my personal life, I’ve loved my family, and let my kids see me love my friends and...